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The following information is offered as a guide for a practical interpretation of the workings of. Keihin PE, PJ, PWM and PWK carburetors. These carburetors feature superb response from idle to full throttle while making more horsepower with easier adjustability than any other carburetor. AvailableIn Keihin carbs either the last two digit or the last letter denote the diameter of the needle. The higher the last two numbers the leaner the needle the lower KEIHIN CARBURETOR Installation Instructions - Hi-Performance . To adjust the air/fuel mixture with the jet needle,change the position of the needle clip To avoid injury, carburetors should be installed when the engine is cold. Read the owners manual for your vehicle before installing any Keihin product to Instruction Manual for KEIHIN PD22 Carburetor Kit. ?We are flattered that you have purchased one of TAKEGAWA's products. Please strictly follow the
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