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The CNIC instructions and forms can be obtained from the instruction repository. Please contact the CNIC Webmaster if you have any questions or concerns. Commander, Navy Installations Command > About > CNIC Instructions About. About CNIC. Biographies. Vice Admiral Yancy B. Lindsey Timothy K. Bridges Captain << CNIC Instructions .pdf4061.5 Employee Meal Policy.pdf 5 MB .pdfCNIC 4061-1.pdf 1 MB .pdfCNIC 5300.2 Personnel Manual NAF.pdf 780 KB .docxCNICINST 1710 COMMAND 716 SICARD STREET SE SUITE 1000 WASHINGTON NAVY YARD DC 203745140CNICINST 1752.3A N9 21 May 2018 CNIC INSTRUCTION 1752.3A From: Commander, Instr - Instructions, DoD, CNIC, CYP Job - Job Announcement Memo - Memorandum Menus - Menus Blast - News Blast OM - Operating Manual DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY COMMANDER, NAVY INSTALLATIONS COMMAND 716 SICARD STREET, SE, SUITE 1000 WASHINGTON NAVY YARD, DC 20374-5140 CNIC INSTRUCTION 5300.2 Guidebook or Handbook · Individual Development Plan · Inspection Criteria · Instructions, DoD, CNIC, CYP · Job Announcement · Memorandum · Menus approved by the CNIC's Governing Council. More information | Visit Plataforma de contratacion. Instructions for external contracts | Download pdf The primary instructions below guide the operation of Afloat Recreation Programs. These instructions are reviewed and used in the required CNIC Afloat
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